Success stories of harm reduction activities

Success stories of harm reduction activities

Success stories of harm reduction activities

Success stories of harm reduction activities

09/05/2022 | 397

A Desperate Past, A New Beginning, CARHAP Uzbekistan Program.

A difficult childhood forced Valera to find a way out for herself. He started smoking marijuana at age 14 and heroin at age 27. Valera was addicted to drugs until he turned up to World Vision's Trust Points program. In counseling, he changed his life and is now working on a program to help other addicts. He is also currently taking computer science classes taught by Trust Points.

Harm Reduction in Asia: A Successful Response to Hidden Epidemics, Asian Harm Reduction Network.

The above article describes seven programs established in the Asian Harm Reduction Network in countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, India, Nepal, and Vietnam. and the Philippines.

Harm Reduction News. Newsletter of the International Harm Reduction Development Program of the Open Society Institute. 2002.

The above newsletter includes many personal testimonies regarding the importance of harm reduction programs. Among them are the stories: Making My Daughter's Life Safer, A Conversation with Mr. Methadone, Learning from Our Patients, and Users Promoting Self-Empowerment. The above collection is the product of many opinions in the field of harm reduction around the world.

Insite: A Harm Reduction Success Story, Vancouver, Canada.

Using the US “War on Drugs” model as an example of a failed program, the article above explains why harm reduction is an essential element of the path to successful drug abuse reduction. . Between 2006 and 2011, Van couver showed reductions in needle sharing, violence against women, and increased use of condoms and addiction treatment centers. The Insite program has successfully managed more than 1,000 drug overdoses, and reduced overdose deaths by 35%. Building on this success, the Supreme Court of Canada has enacted legislation in favor of Insite over outright prohibitions on the use of illegal drugs.

Personal Testimonials and Quotes, Harm Reduction Coalition.

The Harm Reduction Coalition provides a list of testimonies regarding injecting drug use and the need for harm reduction work, especially the needle and syringe exchange program.

An HIV Strategy Invites Addicts In. The New York Times. 2011.


Head office: Room 117-120, Block B17, Kim Lien Diplomatic Compound, Luong Dinh Cua Str., Dong Da Dist.,, Hanoi, Viet Nam

Project office: Room 313-314, building E1, Doan Trung Tu Diplomatic Area, No. 6 Dang Van Ngu, Trung Tu ward, Dong Da district, Hanoi city.

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