"We had participated a lot of training courses so far, however we can not apply because of heavy theory. The difference methods from this project had brought a practical approach in series of training, coaching and mentoring. We feel so confident because we can apply all skills in my daily working time" _Lai thi Hong, leader of Mat troi cua be SHGs
Funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in 2009-2012 period, Health policy Initiative Viet Nam (USAID/HPI) has implemented capacity building for SSGs of people living with HIV/AIDS and other community-based organizations (hereafter referred to as SSGs). Based on capacity building need assessment of 122 SSGs in 7 target provinces/cities in PEPFAR program and discussion with the partners providing training, capacity for SSGs, HPI developed 3–tiered capacity building and institutional development program (basic, intermediate and advanced levels) for SSGs with special focus on those that have intention to operate independently and achieving legal registration. This program includes training courses of different topics, institutional development skills, mentoring and on-site coaching and small grant for the SSGs to practice their learned skills and help the groups have access to information regarding legal registration through legal registration handbook, experience-sharing workshops and policy dialogue. These activities are implemented in an enabling legal environment revealed in a close partnership with (Viet Nam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control – VAAC, Provincial AIDS Centers – PACs) social political associations (Women Union-WU, Red Cross), and occupational social associations(Viet Nam Association for Prevention and Fighting HIV/AIDS and Viet Nam Lawyers’ Association).
There are 3 phases of the capacity building process,
Project: Supported and self-help groups (SSGs) capacity and development program
Project site: 7-province PEPFAR: An giang, Can tho, Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh city, Nghe An, Quang Ninh, and Hai Phong.
Funded Agencies: USAID/HPI
Partners: SSGs
Beneficiaries: SSGs and its members
Time: 2/2010-2/2012
Objective: To build capacity for HIV/AIDS supported and self-help groups (SSGs) to control HIV/AIDS
Description: This project aims at providing a strong capacity for self-help groups (SHGs) through a series of training, coaching and mentoring in organizational development, proposal writing, project management, and networking to be registered as legal entities to be received small grants. The main activities as follows: